Club Clothing

At the heart of PRR club clothing is our racing vest. This is our signatute item. The Championship, Summer Series and Hills Are Alive (with the exception of its higher, exposed races) must be raced in it. Our cross-country teams compete in it. It’s majorly on show in our tussle against KRR at the Mob Match. We even wear it every First Saturday to Perth parkrun.

Whilst a number of views exist on the current vest design, all PRRs are proud to pull theirs on. A ladies vest – a ‘racerback’, they call it – also exists. A racing T-shirt version is also available (in two styles: M and F), and is surprisingly popular among those who prefer to keep their shoulders and upper arms modestly covered.

The club vest and T-shirt on show

Vests (and racing T-shirts) can be obtained – by new members and by existing PRRs looking to replace previous styles and vests wearied by safety pin holes/cross-country sludge – by contacting our Clothing Officers, Finlay and Maria Dale, on

Club Clothing – including items beyond the vests – can also be ordered online at certain periods throughout the year. You can order your clothing by clicking here when the window is open. Members will be emailed to notify them when a purchase period is declared.